Saturday, May 18, 2013

Weekend Insanity Prep!

Monday I am starting up again with my most favorite workout program - INSANITY!  I say it's my most favorite because of all the 60-90 day programs I have bought and tried, it's the only one I have actually stuck to for the entire duration without switching back and forth with another program.  It's 63 days of pure hell and torture - but it's totally worth it because it works.  I have done the program one other time and got really good results, especially in my core area. 

So this weekend I am prepping for the start of the program.  This means it's time to meal plan, shop and prep ahead what needs to be prepped.  The basis of my meal plan is that I want to fuel as much as I can with plant based sources.  I'm not a real vegetarian/vegan by any means - I still eat animals, mostly seafood, when I feel like eating them.  But I like to fuel with vegetables, fruit, eggs, and beans as much as possible.  I have been trying to learn how to make sure I eat a balanced diet that will fuel me for exercise for the last few months and trying to put into action those tweaks.  INSANITY will be a real test since it is so intense and the fueling is very important :)

Other than that, there really isn't much going on for me fitness wise.  I've just been bridging the gap before starting INSANITY on Monday.  I was out of town for a wedding in NYC this past weekend so I didn't work out much.  Was busy with wedding events and had to keep my hair good for all these events.  I usually don't care how my hair looks because I can just throw it in a clip or bun or something.  But as I was in the wedding party, I had to be more attentive, lol.  I did walk ALL over NYC though, according to my fitbit quite a bit actually.  So that made up for my lack of a real workout.  Tomorrow I'm going to do a yoga class to stretch and relax. 

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